Precision for Life-Saving Surgeries

Bringing advanced biomaterials to revolutionize medical care.

Theracion Biomedical Solutions

Innovative Care, Sustainable Growth

The optimal choice trusted in surgical fields
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Surgical Care Solutions

Innovative Biosurgery Solution


R&D Projects

Leading biosurgery solution provider Pioneering
for the healthcare area with innovative technology

Topical Hemostatic Agents

Topical hemostatic agents are substances applied directly to a bleeding site to promote clotting and control bleeding.


Soft-Tissue Reinforcement Products

Soft-tissue reinforcement products provide structural support and promote tissue integration in surgical repairs.


Surgical Sealants and Adhesives

Surgical sealants and adhesives close wounds and control bleeding by creating strong, flexible tissue bonds.




Leading provider of specialty biomaterials and biosurgery
Advancing the healthcare field with innovative technology

Flowable Hemostatic Matrix


An advanced solution to quickly
and effectively stop bleeding.

Absorbable Hemostatic Powder


Absorbable powder for rapid bleeding
control and safe healing.

Endoscopic Hemostatic Powder


Rapid, effective endoscopic bleeding
control for safer procedures.